Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Entertainment Industry Takes out The Little Mongrels

So it has come to my attention lately that the entertainment industry always has and most likely always will take over the minds of little books. I was walking through Chapters the other day and I was looking for the popular book and now movie I am Number 4. I had watched the movie recently and I absolutely loved it! I thought it was fantastic; so when I found out that it was a best seller on book store shelves I decided that the book must be read. I went to purchase the book and as I was reading the back this kid (okay teenager probably around 16) had come up to me and asked “Ah, have you seen the movie?" When I replied to him that yes in fact I had seen the movie he then simply stated. “Well it was awesome; why do you need to buy the book?" I then thought to myself. Well he does have a point there. I mean I already know what happens I know what the characters are like and the whole plot line would be thrown out the window; because well I already know it. However the more I thought about it in that split second I couldn’t for the life of me justify why I should not read this book. So I said "I need to read the book because often Hollywood leaves out a lot of good parts, plus my own imagination is usually a hundred times better then what they decide to put on the screen." So in my statement and some what matter of fact; I also convinced this kid to buy the book as well. *Happy Dance*

Now when I was on my way home I couldn’t help but think how many great books wouldn’t be read because they are turned into huge blockbuster movies. The list that came into my mind was endless; so I will just give a few examples, The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Series by Stieg Larsson, and last but not least the famous Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers. I have read all of these books, and I have seen all of these movies. The books as usual are a hundred times better, and always will be. The way that I think of this is that Hollywood film producers should not be allowed to turn a great book into a movie unless they are willing to put the time and effort to make it extraordinary! How many books have you read that are turned into movies in which are not very good? I would say you could probably list off at least a handful.

So why is it that we choose to no longer use our imagination of reading a book? Instead most of us choose to say "Oh, I will just watch the movie when it comes out." Could this be why book reading is becoming a dying hobby? There are so many teenagers that I know who don't even bother to pick up a book anymore. They simply choose to let TV, the Box Office, and Public Media become their only source for entertainment. What happened to the days of imagination, and play? I remember as a kid I had to go outside and make up a fake pop band group, and dance around to songs on the radio, or even a cassette tape! I had to use my little toy kitchen and play house and pretend to cook for my fake husband. I remember playing Saylor Moon and always wanting to be Saylor Moon, and if I couldn't there would be hell to pay! My most favorite was playing in the playground. We played grounders, Mortal Kombat, and even X-Men! These were the days when anything was possible.

If you look at anything with kids today; you will see how out of touch with reality they are. They are so absorbed in their video games and social networking that they no longer have imaginations. They would rather sit and play video games for hours on end, or watch TV for extended periods of time; instead of having some sort of actual social interaction with their peers. Now when I look back in time I love the fact that I had an imagination. That I had time to be a real kid and do kid things. Now a day’s, kids are growing up way to fast and I really think it has everything to do with the way our society and technology works together these days. I can tell you this; my kids when I have them will play outside, and will have an imagination. Because to me I think that’s what is most important

Monday, October 10, 2011

INFP Also know As The Idealist.

So I have been thinking a lot lately about relationships how it’s been two years since my last relationship, and how much I miss having one. It’s also got me thinking about how ridiculous our society is when it comes to women and men and how women should still just keep their mouths shut when it comes to them expressing how much they feel about someone or life in general. When they make bold gestures it often comes off as psychotic or desperate, unlike men and how they make it seem romantic and loving. How long do women have to go through constant scrutiny before we are no longer considered crazy people when we make our bold gestures; will this change or is it something women will always have to deal with?

This issue was brought up to me by a close friend, but it is also something that is a pressing issue with me. I know where she is coming from. I am an emotional person it’s just part of my personality. I speak freely of my ideals and have open communication when it comes to my views and values in life. Anyone who knows me knows how I stand on relationships and love, and how much I love, love.  So for a girl like me it is hard to not come off as psychotic when I talk about it because of how greatly I feel for it. Maybe this is why she came to me on her issues, because of how I feel for it. I want “real love, ridiculous, inconvenient, all consuming, cant-live-without-each-other-love.”  So I make bold gestures wear my heart on my sleeve; because I know that when the person I am supposed to be with finds me they will love this part about me.

I have always been one for boldness saying things when I know I shouldn’t. Taking the risk of being open and honest with someone when I know that it could very well drive them away, but why should I change who I am when I absolutely love who I am? This concept just does not make any sense to me. I want someone who will push my buttons, and make me reach hard for my goals. I want spontaneity, to be able to just get up and leave for a weekend without telling anyone where we are going and when to expect us back.  I want to be able to just sit or lay talking with someone for hours about anything and everything. I want to hold hands and make those nervous eye glances back and forth to each other. Most of all I want to feel the nervous rush of the first kiss to me it’s one of the best parts. Anyone that knows me could tell you just how important love is to me.

People have told me before that my thoughts on love are completely out there, and that if it wasn’t for Hollywood I most likely wouldn’t feel how I do about life and love. I don’t like to think that however, Hollywood already gets too much credit for everything else why give them my thoughts as well. My ideas of love started at a young age ever since I was old enough to play with Barbie and Ken. I have been planning my dream wedding since I was four years old. Hell I even had my very first kiss with a boy name Tyler when I was three. Granted it was just a little pucker, but still a kiss none the less. I was far too young to even know what Hollywood chick flick movies meant. I feel for love because of who I am not what got planted in my head. My best friend once said to me “Sina how are you going to find what you are looking for in love when you have such strong feelings on it.” (Well something close to that anyway) Since that day it is something that I have thought about a lot. The best answer I could think of now is I will find it when I find someone with similar thoughts and wants of love. When love is just as important to them as it is to me, that’s how I know when I’ve found it.

I can’t help what I feel or who I am It’s in my INFP nature.  So when I talk to you about my ideals, my wants, and my dreams. Please do not scrutinize me, or make me feel ashamed for my thoughts. Yes I love life and love, yes I feel greatly for it, and yes I want it. Does this make me a crazy psychotic or desperate person? No. It makes me real.